8 thoughts on “8 Reflections about Retirement Part 2

  1. momo says:

    Only looked at these 2 blog entries. The immediate question most readers would have is, are you married, with kids, and housing loan? Thanks.


  2. 15hourworkweek says:


    Into my 5th month of unemployment and I find myself nodding furiously as I read your articles.

    Reading vs experiencing about it is truly quite different.

    Now, I probably wouldn’t want to be retired at all. Unless it’s a last resort kinda thing. But semi-retirement… maybe? =)


    • an9elfire says:

      Hello 15hww, so u can really understand what I meant when I write the 8 points. It is a good experience to try retirement but if you are still young (and when have we been ever old?) then do consider working for fun and networking, or doing something you have passion for. Idling is not a good option, and provides fertile fields for decadence 🙂


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